Ch.3 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
This chapter is focusing on the last three limbs of the Raja Yoga: dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi. These three together are samyama. Through a prolonged practice of these one can attain special powers. These powers are a by-product not the intent for the practice. Enlightenment, liberation, peace, bliss and God-Realization are the driving force.
By nature our mind is in constant motion but through dharana and dhyana we discover absolute knowledge of the self. Purusha is the Self, it is stillness, and it’s the absolute knowledge, with non-judgmental awareness. Prakriti holds the qualities of our gunas: satttva, rajas, and tamas. It is movement and it is the mind. When we are in action we are in Prakriti, as the mind is still we are in Purusha. If we try to still the mind we begin to grasp and then we come out of Purusha. We can use tools to help with the stilling of the mind. Mantras are a great way to calm the mind. Mantras are made of energy and this energy can be used to bring our mind back to stillness and awareness.
“Tasya prasanta-vahita samskarat” Verse 10
We can develop and enhance the habit of repetition and through the repetition of a mantra you can calm the mind. The more constant and consistent a mantra is the less likely for the mind to wonder. This is similar to the practice of pranayama and the benefits it has on the mind, body, and spirit in a physical practice. The breath calms the mind, which calms the nervous system, which in turn calms the emotions. This in turn becomes a meditative state of flow that is practiced until it becomes a habit. It takes time and patience but will no doubt eventually bring a tranquil mind and peace. This concept is the same for our daily lives and how we fulfill our duties with righteous morals. If we practice honor, respect, and calmness throughout the day we can eventually learn to do everything from the mundane chores, to teaching, to being a parent while maintaining these attributes.
“Tatah punah santoditau tulya-pratyayau cittasyaikagrata-parinamah” Verse 12
We can also use our mantra to keep the mind one-pointed and maintain dharana, the content of the mind remains the same as the vrittis rise and fall. It is with practice that the mind can maintain this one-pointedness for longer periods of time. Similar to the physical body as it builds endurance and stamina in its physical practice of yoga.
“Maitry-adisu balani” Verse 24
Strengths are gained through practice of samyama on friendliness, love, mercy, and open heartedness. Not only do we provide these aspects to others but also to ourselves. This is done without judgment or expectation but with awareness.
“Kurma-nadyam sthairyam” Verse 32
Steadiness is gained through the practice of samyama on the nerve centers that move prana. When blockages in our chakras are removed and prana is moving freely, the mind, body and spirit are more balanced. We can slow down our actions so that the mind becomes more sattva. Sattva equals purity. Since this is a quality within nature it is within Prakriti and outside of Purusha. The qualities attained in Prakriti will come together for the final movement from the Self to the Universal Self. The needs of oneself are given up and absolute knowledge is gained through the interests of the Self.
“Sattva-purusanyata-khyati-matrasya sarva-bhava abhisthatrtvam sarvajnatrtvam ca” Verse 50
In our practice we are trying to master are gunas, to become pure. The Universal Soul is found when the quality of purity in Prakriti is transformed into Absolute “Purusha”, Divinity. And it is here that the yogi claims these powers.
“Sthany-upanimantrane sanga-smaya-karanam punar anistaprasangat” Verse 52
As a yogi attains higher levels of consciousness the awareness is constant avoiding temptations of the ego or feelings of pride. One might be tempted as the levels increase. Opportunities may arise, such as communication with a celestial being and these gifts are not to be taken advantage of.
Liberation, bliss, and peace will be present when the mind finds the same purity as the Purusha. Sattwa and Purusha will have the same quality.